
Hi, my name is Amanda

Grub Galore is my little food corner on the web!

I’m the voice, author, and creator behind Grub Galore. What started as a casual hobby over 6 years ago while I was studying for my degree in digital design and technology, I decided to document recipes that I was sharing with family and friends.

I’m a Dub living in Offaly, Ireland with my husband and son while running my web design business, Itchy Fingers Design. I also have a personal tech blog on amandalucas.eu.

My favourite things in life are planning trips (especially to the sun), cooking, eating and enjoying life with friends and family. I also love being outdoors and enjoy photography.


I try to share recipes with mostly healthy ingredients - with the occasional treat.


My goal is to share delicious recipes that are practical for modern day living.

Amanda Lucas

#grubgalore on Instagram

Amazing gyozas - can’t make them fast enough #grubgalore - recipe on Grubgalore.com
There’s nothing like some lunch in the sunshine 🌞 and a caprese salad always makes it better !! enjoy it while it lasts 😎 #sunlover #foodlover #grubgalore
Two new recipes being added to Grubgalore.com shortly - gyoza dumplings and make at home Big Mac!!! Both are seriously good !!! #homecooked #lovefood #grubgalore #foodie
Latest recipe added to GrubGalore.com - Spanish Chorizo and Lentil stew from @thebodycoach Joe Wicks - really really good 😋

#grubgalore #lovefood #homecooking #eathealthy.
A few kitchen experiments the past few weeks:

1+2: Cheddar and chive soda bread
3: My very first quiche Lorraine 
4: Rocket and walnut pesto risotto 

#grubgalore #irishfoodie #foodlover #homecookedfood #vegetariandish #lovefood #irishfood